In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of books written by Isabel Wroth without the permission of the publisher and/or author is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

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Who Has Permission to Distribute my eBooks?

The Following Titles are Offered for Sale in eBook and Paperback format at AMAZON.COM INC with Permission of the Author, Isabel Wroth

The Sarazen Saga—

Sarazen’s Claim

Sarazen’s Vengeance

Sarazen’s Betrayal

Sarazen’s Hunt

Sarazen’s Fury

The Etheric Travelers Series—


The Golden Bulls of Minos—

Queen’s Ransom

The Valos of Sonhadra (shared world collaboration)—


The Perdition MC Series—

Never Ever

Athena’s Raid

Ripley’s Saint

The Portrait of Death Series—




Little Coven Series

A Little Green Magic

A Little Dark Magic

The Following audio book Titles are Offered for Sale by Tantor media inc and under contract has the permission of isabel wroth to distribute at their discretion.

The Golden Bulls of Minos—

Queen’s Ransom

Readers, fans, web hosts or owners, bloggers, and any other unauthorized individuals have NOT received permission from the author of the above titles (Isabel Wroth) to publish them in any form or fashion.

If you find any of the aforementioned titles listed for sale or free of purchase on a website other than AMAZON.COM INC or audiobooks distributed by someone oTHER Tantor Media INC, please contact Isabel Wroth.

These are pirated copies which infringe on both Copyright and Intellectual Property laws.

This is THEFT, and the parties responsible are liable for damages, stolen royalties, and subject to persecution.